Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Bipartisan Debate Answers

DEBATES: We need no obstruction to bipartisan issues
·       Banking nationalized except for risk and credit
·       Trickle-up economics
·       War on terror
·       Strengthen the military
·       Free the artists
·       Pro choice
·       Label gmos
·       Gay marriage is legal and should remain so since it is victimless. England did it years ago and have seen no fire and brimstone. Marriage is not always holy but civic. Civic should be allowed or denominations that allow it.
·       Do away with shutting down the government.. you can use your veto powers though
·       Fuck obstruction to pure progress
·       Increase minimum wage. It is good for the economy, bad for small number of investors. Good to investors in needs goods
·       Nationalize health insurance and only charge on pharmaceuticals lest they be replenishable (socialized))
·       Free education paid for from the department of distribution
·       Federalize education. Clubs for believers. Electives for students in theology, clubs for the ones that only see their way
·       Casinos able to be owned by non native Americans if taxed
·       Immigration that doesn’t take away from American jobs but allows new talent
·       Increase in lifetime pay for soldiers, college, debts
·       Natural disaster insurance
·       Animal rights: farm, free, and ration and breed
·       Publicly fund the final campaign
·       Allow more  against each other
·       Green energy subsidies, then either coal or fossil fuels non-subsidized to do what we can’t do electric
·       No subsidies for non threatened companies]
·       Get rid of mandatory  minimums and release those locked up for getting high
·       Create state rehabs
·       War: Russia and Israel against Palestine
·       Us against north korea
·       Sign agreement with Russia
·       Shareholders  are what ruined capitalism; just saying
·       We need to keep up with all the countries passing us educationally and heath care and gay marriage
·       The gold standard is prices and inflation with more money. Prestige prices
·       Trade deal with other countries only fine if we have a surplus of jobs
·       Update civil rights amendment
·       Legalize weed
·       The people talking about socialism which I made popular explain old socialism not what I recommended. We will have inequality for much longer but we can at least make each person rising
·       Rationed oil to the cost
·       No dodging health care for your children because you think faith will help. Use google and statistics.
·       Mandatory voting can happen online with social security number
·       Government funded pensions where it is lacking
·       Get rid of term limits when we find rare good leaders
·       Nuclear peace treaty and prevention of new holders
·       Affirmative action for public schools or online. Optional for private schools
·       Patrol skies and seas with a treaty or amendment
·       Guns:
o   Regulate ammo rations and keep a database of serial numbers and social security numbers
o   Background checks & therapist approvals possible a psych test (written)
·       Eventually spread gdp across work output
·       Global stock exchange amongst the alliance
·       Reform prisons:
o   To reform if possible
o   Ratatouille
·       Outlaw child labor when there are unemployed adults. Education is socialized so it should be fine.
·       Think of iran as a potential enemy and keep a close eye
·       Cybersecurity agency
·       Send troop escorts and bases and naval command
·       Keep nsa
·       Fix the police:
o   Prosecute
o   Punish
o   Settlement
o   Then the rioting will stop and we will have justice and peace
·       Go to mars and do experiments and on the moon
·       Alcohol marijuana equalization act
·       Endangered animals
·       Cameras on all policemen + bigger brother
·       End bush tax cuts unless they spend or invest a certain percentage middle class and below no new taxes. Maybe eliminate them from the bottom upk
·       Raise amounts for social safety nets from disability to welfare to unemployment
·       Reinstate ban on automatic weapons. They didn’t know guns would progress the way they did exactly.
·       Tax cuts once we get out of debt one way or another
·       Separation of small business and corporations and minimum wage and taxation and paid leave. Needs help from government
·       No children for those who pick religion over the health of their kid. They need to come to reality and it will be in the worse way for no wisdom or understanding.
·       Fund statistics science as a department of the government
·       Get rid of the deficit either by;
o   Putting  it on the taxpayers backs
o   Printing it off and calculating drips for inflation

o   Reset everything with speculation